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Jesus Calls and Heals
Luke 5:1-39 tells how Jesus called His first disciples and performed amazing miracles. He told Simon Peter to cast his fishing net again after an unsuccessful night, and when Peter obeyed, he caught so many fish that his boat nearly sank. Peter and his friends left everything to follow Jesus. Later, Jesus healed a man with leprosy and forgave and healed a paralyzed man, showing His power over sickness and sin. He also called Levi (Matthew), a tax collector, to be His disciple. When religious leaders questioned why Jesus spent time with sinners, He explained that He came to help those who need God’s mercy.
Jesus Heals a Lame Man
John 5:1-47 tells how Jesus healed a man who had been unable to walk for 38 years. The man was lying by a pool, hoping for healing, but Jesus simply told him to get up and walk—and he did! Since this happened on the Sabbath, religious leaders were upset, but Jesus explained that He was doing His Father’s work. He also taught that He has the power to give life and will one day judge all people. Jesus reminded them that John the Baptist, Moses, and the Scriptures all pointed to Him, but many refused to believe.
Jesus Teaches About the Sabbath and Chooses Disciples
Mark 2:23–3:19 tells how Jesus challenged strict religious rules about the Sabbath. When His disciples picked grain to eat, some religious leaders accused them of breaking the law. But Jesus reminded them that the Sabbath was meant to help people, not burden them. Later, He healed a man with a crippled hand on the Sabbath, showing that doing good is always right. The religious leaders grew angry and started plotting against Him. Despite this, Jesus continued His mission and chose twelve disciples to follow Him closely, preparing them to share His message with the world.
Jesus Teaches About True Blessings and Light
Matthew 5:1-16 begins Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount, where He teaches what it means to live in God’s kingdom. He describes true blessings, saying that the humble, merciful, and peacemakers are the ones God honors. Even those who suffer for doing right are blessed because they belong to God. Jesus also tells His followers that they are the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world,” meaning they should make the world better and shine God’s love through their actions. He encourages them to live in a way that brings glory to God.
Jesus Teaches About Obedience and the Heart
Matthew 5:17-30 shows that Jesus didn’t come to get rid of God’s laws but to fulfill them. He taught that true righteousness isn’t just about following rules but about having a pure heart. He said anger can be as harmful as murder and warned against holding grudges. He also explained that faithfulness in marriage isn’t just about actions but even about thoughts. Jesus challenged people to go beyond outward obedience and seek a heart that truly honors God, calling them to live with love, integrity, and self-control.
Jesus Teaches About Love and Integrity
Matthew 5:31-48 continues Jesus’ teaching on living righteously. He explains that marriage is meant to be honored and that people should keep their promises, always speaking truthfully. Jesus also challenges the idea of revenge, teaching that instead of seeking payback, His followers should respond with kindness and patience. Most importantly, He calls them to love not just their friends but even their enemies, just as God shows love to everyone. Jesus sets a high standard, urging His followers to reflect God’s perfect love in their daily lives.
Jesus Teaches About True Worship
Matthew 6:1-18 teaches that when people give to the needy, pray, or fast, they should do it sincerely for God, not to impress others. Jesus warns against seeking attention for good deeds because true rewards come from God, not human praise. He also teaches His followers how to pray with the Lord’s Prayer, showing that prayer should be humble, focused on God’s will, and include forgiveness. Jesus reminds everyone that God sees what is done in secret and rewards those who seek Him with honest hearts.
Trusting God Instead of Worrying
Matthew 6:19-34 teaches that people should focus on storing up treasures in heaven rather than chasing wealth on earth. Jesus explains that what we treasure most will shape our hearts. He also says that no one can serve both God and money at the same time. Instead of worrying about food, clothing, or the future, Jesus encourages His followers to trust that God will provide, just as He cares for the birds and flowers. He reminds them to seek God’s kingdom first, knowing that He will take care of everything they truly need.
Treat Others with Kindness and Wisdom
Matthew 7:1-12 teaches the importance of not judging others harshly. Jesus explains that before pointing out someone else’s faults, we should first examine our own. He also warns against giving what is valuable to those who won’t appreciate it, encouraging wisdom in how we share truth. Jesus reminds His followers to ask, seek, and knock—trusting that God hears and answers prayers. Finally, He gives the Golden Rule: treat others the way you want to be treated. This simple but powerful teaching sums up how God wants people to live with love and respect for one another.
Building a Strong Life on Jesus’ Words
Matthew 7:13-29 teaches that following Jesus is like walking a narrow path—not always easy, but it leads to life. He warns about false teachers who seem good on the outside but lead people away from God. Jesus also says that true faith is shown by actions, not just words. He ends with a story about two builders—one who builds on solid rock and one on sand. The person who listens to Jesus and obeys is like the wise builder whose house stands strong in a storm. Jesus calls people to build their lives on His truth, which will never fail.