The Story of Jesus

Jesus, the Light of the World
John 1:1-18 tells us that Jesus has always existed, even before the world was created. He is called the Word, and He was with God and is God. Everything was made through Him, and He came to bring life and light to people. Even though the world did not recognize Him, He still came to offer grace and truth. Those who believe in Him become children of God. John the Baptist prepared the way, but Jesus is the one who reveals who God truly is. He is full of love and truth, showing us the glory of God in human form.

God’s Promise to Zechariah
Luke 1:5-25 tells the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, an elderly couple who had no children. One day, while Zechariah was serving as a priest in the temple, an angel appeared to him with amazing news—his wife would have a son, John, who would prepare people for the coming of the Lord. Zechariah found it hard to believe because of their old age, so the angel told him he would be unable to speak until the baby was born. Despite his doubt, God’s promise came true, showing that nothing is impossible for Him.

Mary’s Joyful News
Luke 1:26-56 tells how the angel Gabriel visited Mary, a young woman in Nazareth, with incredible news—she would give birth to Jesus, the Son of God. Even though she was afraid and confused, Mary trusted God and said yes to His plan. The angel also told her that her relative Elizabeth was expecting a baby, even in her old age, proving that nothing is impossible for God. Mary then visited Elizabeth, and they rejoiced together. Filled with joy, Mary praised God for His goodness, showing her humble heart and deep faith.

The Birth of John the Baptist
Luke 1:57-80 tells how Elizabeth gave birth to a son, just as the angel had promised. When it was time to name him, people expected him to be named after his father, Zechariah. But Elizabeth insisted his name would be John. When Zechariah wrote the same name on a tablet, his speech suddenly returned, and he praised God. Filled with the Holy Spirit, he prophesied that John would prepare the way for the Lord. John grew up strong in spirit, waiting for the time when he would help people turn back to God.

An Angel Appears to Joseph
Matthew 1:1-25 begins with the family line of Jesus, showing that He came from the line of Abraham and King David, fulfilling God’s promises. Joseph, a good and faithful man, was engaged to Mary when he learned she was expecting a child. An angel appeared to him in a dream, telling him that the baby was from the Holy Spirit and would be named Jesus because He would save people from their sins. Joseph obeyed God, took Mary as his wife, and cared for Jesus when He was born, showing trust in God’s plan.

The Birth of Jesus
Luke 2:1-20 tells how Jesus was born in Bethlehem when Mary and Joseph traveled there for a census. Since there was no room in the inn, Mary placed baby Jesus in a manger. That night, angels appeared to shepherds in the fields, bringing joyful news that the Savior had been born. The shepherds hurried to see the baby and then shared what they had heard, praising God. Mary treasured everything in her heart, knowing this was part of God’s amazing plan to bring peace and hope to the world.

Jesus is Dedicated at the Temple
Luke 2:21-39 tells how Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to the temple to dedicate Him to God, following Jewish customs. There, an elderly man named Simeon, who had been waiting for the promised Savior, held Jesus in his arms and praised God. He knew that Jesus would bring salvation to all people. A faithful woman named Anna also saw Jesus and thanked God, telling others about Him. These moments showed that Jesus was the fulfillment of God’s promises, bringing hope and light to the world.

The Wise Men Visit Jesus
Matthew 2:1-12 tells how wise men from the east followed a special star to find Jesus, the newborn King. They traveled to Jerusalem and asked King Herod where the child was. Herod, feeling threatened, asked them to report back once they found Him. The star led them to Bethlehem, where they found Jesus with Mary. Filled with joy, they worshiped Him and gave Him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. But God warned them in a dream not to return to Herod, so they went home a different way, protecting Jesus from danger.

Jesus Escapes to Egypt
Matthew 2:13-23 tells how an angel warned Joseph in a dream that King Herod wanted to harm baby Jesus. Joseph quickly took Mary and Jesus and fled to Egypt, where they stayed until Herod died. When it was safe, they returned to Israel, but instead of going to Bethlehem, they settled in Nazareth. This fulfilled what the prophets had spoken about the Messiah. Through it all, God protected Jesus, ensuring His plan to bring salvation to the world would not be stopped.

Young Jesus in the Temple
Luke 2:41-52 tells how 12-year-old Jesus traveled with His family to Jerusalem for the Passover festival. After the trip, Mary and Joseph started heading home, thinking Jesus was with their group. When they realized He was missing, they searched for three days and finally found Him in the temple, talking with the teachers. Jesus said He had to be in His Father’s house, showing His deep understanding of God’s purpose. Though He returned home with His parents and obeyed them, He continued to grow in wisdom and favor with God and people.