
Xerxes’s story is told in the book of Esther

  • Who is Xerxes?
    • King of Persia from 486-465 BC.
    • Son of Darius I and the successor to his throne.
    • Known as Xerxes the Great due to his vast empire.
    • He’s most notably mentioned in the Book of Esther, where he’s a key figure in the narrative alongside Esther and Mordecai.
  • Strengths and Accomplishments
    • Vast Empire: At the peak of his reign, Xerxes ruled over a large chunk of the known world, including regions of modern-day Egypt, India, and parts of Greece.
    • Infrastructure Improvements: Built monuments, palaces, and other infrastructures, including those in the city of Persepolis.
    • In the Book of Esther: Displayed the ability to listen to wise counsel, as seen when he heeded Esther’s pleas, which resulted in the salvation of the Jews.
  • Weaknesses and Mistakes
    • Grecian Wars: Attempted to invade Greece, leading to the famous Battle of Thermopylae against the Spartans and eventually the Persian defeat at the Battle of Salamis.
    • Impulsiveness: As seen in the Book of Esther, he quickly decreed the annihilation of the Jews based on Haman’s advice without understanding the entire situation.
    • Easily Influenced: Whether it was Haman’s wicked counsel or Esther’s plea, Xerxes often acted based on the last person he spoke to.
  • Lessons from His Life
    • The Importance of Counsel: Surrounding oneself with wise counsel and making informed decisions is crucial, as snap judgments can lead to dire consequences.
    • Power with Responsibility: Holding a high position comes with significant responsibilities; decisions made from such a position can impact thousands, if not millions.
    • Listening is a Virtue: His eventual willingness to listen to Esther saved an entire people. This highlights the power of truly hearing and understanding others.
  • Key Verses (NIV version)
    • Esther 1:1-2: “This is what happened during the time of Xerxes, the Xerxes who ruled over 127 provinces stretching from India to Cush: At that time King Xerxes reigned from his royal throne in the citadel of Susa.”
    • Esther 2:16-17: “And Esther won the favor of everyone who saw her. She was taken to King Xerxes in the royal residence in the tenth month, the month of Tebeth, in the seventh year of his reign.”
    • Esther 6:1-2: “That night the king could not sleep; so he ordered the book of the chronicles, the record of his reign, to be brought in and read to him. It was found recorded there that Mordecai had exposed Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king’s officers who guarded the doorway, who had conspired to assassinate King Xerxes.”