Thomas’s story is told in John 11:1-16; 14:1-7; 20:24-31
Who is Thomas?
- One of the Twelve Apostles: Thomas was one of the original twelve apostles chosen by Jesus to be His closest followers.
- Not Much Background Info: The Bible doesn’t offer extensive information about his background, but tradition suggests he was a fisherman before he became an apostle.
- Called Didymus: He is also referred to as Didymus, which means “twin” in Aramaic and Greek. However, we don’t know who his twin was.
Strengths and Accomplishments
- Courageous: When Jesus decided to go to Judea, where the Jews had previously tried to stone Him, Thomas courageously urged the other disciples to go with Him, saying, “Let us also go, that we may die with him” (John 11:16, NIV).
- Committed: Despite his doubts, Thomas remained committed to Jesus and the group of disciples. He didn’t abandon them despite his questions.
- Honesty in Seeking Truth: His most famous moment of doubt led him to demand proof of Jesus’ resurrection, which, when provided, led him to one of the most profound confessions of faith in the New Testament: “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28, NIV).
Weaknesses and Mistakes
- Doubt: Of course, Thomas is most famous for doubting the resurrection of Jesus. He wasn’t there when Jesus first appeared to the other apostles and said he wouldn’t believe until he saw the nail marks and put his hand into Jesus’ side (John 20:25, NIV).
- Limited Perspective: He sometimes focused on the earthly aspects and missed the spiritual significance. For instance, when Jesus was explaining He was going to prepare a place for His disciples, Thomas said he didn’t know the way—missing the broader point that Jesus Himself was the way (John 14:5, NIV).
Lessons from His Life
- It’s Okay to Ask Questions: Thomas teaches us that it’s okay to have doubts and ask questions. This is part of the faith journey.
- Faith Comes from Encountering Jesus: Thomas’ faith was solidified when he had a personal encounter with the risen Christ. It tells us that faith is often built upon a personal experience and relationship with Jesus.
- Courage is a Virtue: His willingness to die for a cause he believed in shows that doubt and courage can coexist in a complex faith journey.
Key Verses (NIV)
- John 11:16: “Then Thomas (also known as Didymus) said to the rest of the disciples, ‘Let us also go, that we may die with him.'”
- John 20:25: “So the other disciples told him, ‘We have seen the Lord!’ But he said to them, ‘Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.'”
- John 20:28: “Thomas said to him, ‘My Lord and my God!'”