The Story of Jesus

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Living Faithfully for God
Mark 9:38-50 teaches that following Jesus means living in a way that honors God. The disciples saw someone casting out demons in Jesus’ name and tried to stop him, but Jesus said that anyone doing good in His name is on the same side. He also warned against causing others to stumble in their faith and said it’s better to give up anything that leads to sin rather than be separated from God. Jesus reminded His followers to live in a way that reflects His goodness. This passage teaches us to support others who serve God and to take our faith seriously in all we do.

God’s Love and the Power of Forgiveness
Matthew 18:10-22 shows how much God cares for each person and how important it is to forgive others. Jesus told a story about a shepherd who leaves ninety-nine sheep to find the one that is lost, showing that God never gives up on anyone. He also taught that if someone sins against us, we should try to make peace with them. When Peter asked how many times we should forgive, Jesus said not just seven times, but seventy-seven times—meaning we should always be willing to forgive. This passage reminds us that God loves each of us deeply and wants us to show that same love through forgiveness.

Who Is Jesus?
John 7:1-31 shows how people struggled to understand who Jesus really was. Some doubted Him, even His own brothers, while others were amazed by His teachings. When Jesus went to the Temple during a festival, He taught that His wisdom came from God, not Himself. Some people wanted to arrest Him, but others started to believe. Jesus also promised that those who truly seek to do God’s will would recognize the truth in His words. This passage reminds us that even when there is doubt and confusion, those who sincerely seek the truth will find it in Jesus.

Living Water and Divided Opinions
John 7:32-53 shows how people reacted differently to Jesus. While some religious leaders wanted to arrest Him, Jesus invited everyone to come to Him for “living water,” meaning the Holy Spirit, which would later be given to believers. Some people believed He was the promised Savior, while others doubted because they didn’t understand where He came from. Even the temple guards were amazed by His words and didn’t arrest Him. In the end, people were divided about Jesus. This passage reminds us that while some may doubt, those who truly listen to Jesus will find the life and truth He offers.

Jesus, the Light of the World
John 8:1-20 shows Jesus’ wisdom and mercy. When religious leaders brought a woman caught in sin, hoping to trap Him, Jesus responded with kindness and truth. Instead of condemning her, He told them that whoever was without sin should throw the first stone. One by one, they left, and Jesus forgave the woman, telling her to leave her sinful life behind. Later, He declared, “I am the light of the world,” showing that He brings truth and guidance to those who follow Him. This passage reminds us that Jesus offers both mercy and direction, leading us away from darkness into His light.

Jesus and the Truth That Sets Us Free
John 8:21-59 shows a deep conversation between Jesus and the people about who He really is. He told them that unless they believed in Him, they would remain separated from God. He also taught that true freedom comes from knowing the truth—Him. Some struggled to accept His words, and when Jesus said He existed before Abraham and used God’s name, “I Am,” they became angry and wanted to stone Him. This passage reminds us that Jesus is more than a teacher—He is the Son of God, and by believing in Him, we find true freedom and life.

Sharing the Good News with Joy
Luke 10:1-24 tells how Jesus sent out seventy-two of His followers to spread His message. He told them to travel simply, rely on God, and share peace with those who welcomed them. When they returned, they were excited about the power they had through Jesus, but He reminded them that the greatest joy comes from knowing they belong to God. Jesus also praised God for revealing His truth to those with humble hearts. This passage reminds us that sharing God’s love is important, but our greatest joy comes from being in a relationship with Him.

Loving God and Others
Luke 10:25-42 teaches us about love and priorities. When a man asked Jesus how to have eternal life, Jesus told the story of the Good Samaritan, showing that true love means helping anyone in need, not just those like us. Later, Jesus visited Mary and Martha. Martha was busy serving, but Mary chose to sit and listen to Jesus. He gently reminded Martha that spending time with Him was the most important thing. This passage reminds us that loving God and others is at the heart of our faith, and we should make time to grow closer to Jesus.

Ask, Seek, and Trust God
Luke 11:1-13 teaches us about prayer. When Jesus’ disciples asked how to pray, He gave them the Lord’s Prayer as a guide. He also told a story about a man persistently asking his friend for bread, showing that we should keep praying and trusting God to answer. Jesus assured us that God, like a loving Father, gives good gifts to His children—especially the Holy Spirit to those who ask. This passage reminds us that we can talk to God with confidence, knowing He listens, cares, and provides what is best for us.

Listening to Jesus and Turning to God
Luke 11:14-32 shows how people reacted differently to Jesus. When He cast out a demon, some accused Him of using evil power. Jesus explained that a divided kingdom cannot stand, and His power clearly came from God. He warned that those who reject God’s truth are left empty. When a woman praised Jesus for His family, He responded that true blessing comes from hearing God’s word and obeying it. He also reminded the crowd that just as Jonah was a sign to Nineveh, His life was a sign for them. This passage teaches us to listen to Jesus, trust His power, and turn to God with sincere hearts.