The Story of Jesus

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Jesus Predicts Betrayal and Commands Love
In John 13:21-38, Jesus tells His disciples that one of them will betray Him, and they are shocked. Judas, the betrayer, leaves to carry out his plan. Afterward, Jesus gives His disciples a new command: to love one another just as He has loved them. He explains that this love will show the world that they are His followers. When Peter promises to stay faithful, Jesus gently tells him that he will deny knowing Him three times before morning. This passage reminds us of Jesus’ deep love, even in the face of betrayal, and the importance of showing that same love to others.

Jesus Is the Way to God
In John 14:1-14, Jesus comforts His disciples, telling them not to be afraid because He is going to prepare a place for them in His Father’s house. When Thomas asks how they can know the way, Jesus answers, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He explains that knowing Him means knowing God, and that those who believe in Him will do great things through faith. This passage reminds us that Jesus is our guide to God and that through Him, we can have hope and a future.

The Gift of the Holy Spirit
In John 14:15-31, Jesus promises His disciples that He will not leave them alone. He tells them that if they love Him, they will follow His teachings, and in return, God will send them the Holy Spirit, also called the Helper. This Spirit will guide them in truth and bring them peace, even when Jesus is no longer physically with them. He reassures them not to be afraid because His peace is greater than any trouble in the world. This passage reminds us that God’s presence is always with those who trust in Him.

Stay Connected to Jesus
In John 15:1-16, Jesus compares Himself to a vine and His followers to branches. Just as a branch needs to stay connected to the vine to produce fruit, we need to stay close to Jesus to live a life full of love and purpose. He encourages us to remain in His love by following His teachings and loving others. When we do this, our lives will bear good fruit, and we will experience the joy and friendship of God. Jesus reminds us that He chose us to make a difference in the world, and when we ask for help in His name, God will provide what we need.

Standing Strong in a World That Rejects Jesus
In John 15:17–16:4, Jesus warns His followers that the world will not always accept them because it did not accept Him. He tells them to expect challenges and opposition but reminds them that they are chosen by God. Even when facing rejection or hardship, they should continue to love one another and stay faithful. Jesus also reassures them that He is telling them these things in advance so they won’t be discouraged. No matter what happens, they can trust that God is with them and will help them stand strong.

Peace in Troubled Times
In John 16:5-33, Jesus prepares His disciples for His departure, assuring them that the Holy Spirit will come to guide and help them. He knows they are sad, but He promises that their sorrow will turn into joy. Just like a mother’s pain during childbirth leads to the joy of a newborn baby, their struggles will lead to something greater. Jesus reminds them that even though they will face trouble in the world, they can have peace because He has already won the victory. No matter what happens, they can trust in Him and take heart.

Jesus’ Prayer for Us
In John 17:1-26, Jesus prays for Himself, His disciples, and all who will believe in Him. He asks God to glorify Him so He can complete His mission of bringing eternal life. Jesus prays for His followers to be protected, united, and filled with God’s truth. He also prays for future believers—that they would be one, just as He and the Father are one. His deepest desire is for all who follow Him to experience God’s love and to be with Him forever. This prayer shows Jesus’ deep love and care for His people, including us today.

Jesus Faces Betrayal
In Mark 14:26-52, Jesus and His disciples go to a garden called Gethsemane, where He prays in deep sorrow, knowing what is about to happen. He asks God if there is another way, but He willingly submits to God’s plan. Meanwhile, His disciples struggle to stay awake. Soon, Judas arrives with a crowd to arrest Jesus, betraying Him with a kiss. The disciples are afraid and run away, leaving Jesus alone. Even in this painful moment, Jesus remains calm, knowing that He is fulfilling God’s purpose to bring salvation to the world.

Jesus Is Arrested
In John 18:1-24, Jesus is arrested after Judas leads soldiers to Him in a garden. Even though they come with weapons, Jesus willingly steps forward, showing He is in control. Peter tries to fight back, cutting off a man’s ear, but Jesus stops him, showing that violence is not the answer. Jesus is then taken to the religious leaders, who begin questioning Him. Through it all, Jesus remains calm and does not resist, knowing that His suffering is part of God’s plan to save the world.

Jesus on Trial and Peter’s Denial
In Matthew 26:57-75, Jesus is taken to the high priest’s house, where religious leaders try to find a reason to put Him to death. They bring false accusations against Him, but Jesus remains silent until He declares that He is the Son of God. This makes the leaders furious, and they condemn Him. Meanwhile, Peter, one of Jesus’ closest followers, is outside. When people recognize him as a disciple, he denies knowing Jesus three times. After his third denial, a rooster crows, and Peter remembers Jesus’ warning that this would happen. Heartbroken, he runs away, weeping in regret.