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God’s Invitation to His Kingdom
In Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus tells a story about a king who invites many people to a wedding feast for his son. But those who are invited ignore the invitation, make excuses, or even harm the king’s messengers. So the king invites others—both good and bad—to fill the banquet hall. However, one guest arrives without the proper wedding clothes and is thrown out. Jesus uses this story to show that God invites everyone into His kingdom, but we must come to Him on His terms. It’s not enough to just show up—we need to be truly prepared in our hearts.
Wisdom Beyond Traps
In Luke 20:20-40, religious leaders try to trick Jesus with difficult questions. First, they ask if people should pay taxes to the Roman emperor, hoping to trap Him in a political debate. But Jesus wisely answers that they should give to the government what belongs to it and give to God what belongs to Him. Then, another group questions Him about marriage in heaven, trying to make His teachings look foolish. Jesus explains that life after death is different from life on earth and that God is the God of the living, not the dead. His answers show His wisdom and remind us to focus on what truly matters—our relationship with God.
The Greatest Commandment
In Mark 12:28-37, a teacher of the law asks Jesus which commandment is the most important. Jesus answers that the greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second is to love our neighbor as ourselves. These two commandments sum up everything God desires from us. The teacher agrees, and Jesus tells him he is close to God’s kingdom. Then, Jesus challenges people to think about who the Messiah really is, showing that He is more than just a descendant of David—He is the Son of God. This passage reminds us that love is at the heart of true faith.
True Faith, Not Just Appearances
In Matthew 23:1-39, Jesus warns against religious leaders who say the right things but don’t live them out. He criticizes them for seeking praise, making strict rules for others while avoiding them themselves, and caring more about looking holy than actually doing what is right. Jesus calls for humility and sincerity, teaching that true greatness comes from serving others. He also expresses sorrow over Jerusalem, longing for its people to turn to God. This passage reminds us that faith is not about show but about a genuine heart that seeks to love and obey God.
True Giving and Signs of the Times
In Luke 21:1-24, Jesus praises a poor widow who gives a small offering, explaining that her gift is greater than the large amounts given by the wealthy because she gave all she had. He then warns His disciples about difficult times ahead—wars, disasters, and persecution—but reassures them that God will be with them. He also speaks about the destruction of Jerusalem, urging people to stay faithful and watch for the signs of God’s plan unfolding. This passage teaches us that God values a sincere heart more than the size of our gifts and reminds us to trust Him even in troubled times.
Be Ready for Jesus’ Return
In Luke 21:25-38, Jesus describes signs that will show His return is near, including changes in the sun, moon, and stars, and people feeling great fear. He encourages His followers to stay strong and not be afraid because His kingdom is coming. Jesus tells them to be watchful, avoid distractions, and pray for strength to stand firm in their faith. This passage reminds us to live with hope and stay ready, knowing that God’s promises will come true.
Be Ready and Faithful
In Matthew 25:1-30, Jesus tells two parables to teach about being prepared and using what God has given us wisely. The parable of the ten bridesmaids shows that we must be ready for His return, like wise bridesmaids who brought enough oil for their lamps. The parable of the talents teaches that God wants us to use our abilities and opportunities well, not hide them out of fear. These stories remind us to live faithfully, stay prepared, and make the most of what God has given us.
Caring for Others Shows Our Love for God
In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus describes a future judgment where He separates people like a shepherd separates sheep from goats. He praises those who cared for the hungry, sick, and needy, saying that when they helped others, they were really serving Him. But those who ignored the needs of others are sent away, having failed to show love. This passage reminds us that true faith is shown through kindness and compassion. The way we treat others—especially those in need—reveals our heart toward God.
Preparing for the Last Supper
In Luke 22:1-13, the religious leaders are looking for a way to arrest Jesus, and Judas agrees to betray Him. Meanwhile, Jesus tells Peter and John to prepare the Passover meal. He gives them specific instructions, and they find everything just as He said. This passage shows that Jesus was in control of the situation, even as events moved toward His death. It also reminds us that following His instructions leads to everything falling into place just as He planned.
Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet
In John 13:1-20, Jesus shows His love and humility by washing His disciples’ feet, a job usually done by a servant. Peter is surprised and at first refuses, but Jesus explains that this act is a lesson in serving others. He tells them that just as He has served them, they should serve one another. This moment teaches us that true greatness comes from humility and love, and that following Jesus means putting others before ourselves.