
Jethro’s story is told in Exodus 2:15-3:1; 18:1-27

  • Who was Jethro?
    • Jethro, also known as Reuel, was a Midianite priest and the father of Zipporah, who became Moses’ wife. Moses spent 40 years in Midian under Jethro’s mentorship after fleeing Egypt, following the killing of an Egyptian taskmaster.
    • He was more than just Moses’ father-in-law, he was also a spiritual guide and a voice of wisdom. He was a shepherd, a priest, a leader, and a humble servant of God.
  • Strengths and Accomplishments
    • Wisdom and Leadership: Jethro was known for his wisdom and guidance. One of his major accomplishments was advising Moses on the administration of justice among the Israelites. His suggestion to appoint judges for minor disputes (Exodus 18: 17-22) showcased his keen understanding of leadership and organizational structure.
    • Faith and Worship: Upon hearing about God’s mighty works in delivering the Israelites from Egypt, Jethro praised God and offered sacrifices. He acknowledged the supremacy of the Lord over all gods (Exodus 18:10-12), showing his faith and devotion.
  • Weaknesses and Mistakes
    • Not Much to See Here: There isn’t a lot of biblical evidence on Jethro’s weaknesses or mistakes. His character has been consistently portrayed in a positive light.
  • Lessons from Jethro’s Life
    • Wise Counsel: Jethro’s life teaches us the importance of wise counsel. His advice to Moses saved him from exhaustion and ensured a better administration of justice. He reminds us that no one is too high to ask for or receive advice.
    • Recognizing God’s Power: His recognition and worship of the Lord upon hearing about the miracles performed for the Israelites show his humble spirit and the readiness to acknowledge God’s power. This openness serves as a lesson for everyone to discern the work of God in their lives.
  • Key Verses
    • “So Moses listened to his father-in-law and did everything he said.” (Exodus 18:24 NIV)
    • “Jethro was delighted to hear about all the good things the LORD had done for Israel in rescuing them from the hand of the Egyptians.” (Exodus 18:9 NIV)
    • “Now I know that the LORD is greater than all other gods, for he did this to those who had treated Israel arrogantly.” (Exodus 18:11 NIV)