
Dorcas’s story is told in Acts 9:32-42

Who is Dorcas?

  • Name: Dorcas in Greek, Tabitha in Aramaic
  • Where She’s Found in the Bible: Acts 9:36-42
  • Role: Early Christian disciple in the city of Joppa
  • Known For: Charitable deeds, especially making clothes for the poor and widows

Strengths and Accomplishments

Compassionate and Charitable

  • Dorcas was known for her acts of charity and kindness. She was like the neighborhood angel.

Skilled Artisan

  • She made robes and other clothes, which was a big deal. This wasn’t just a hobby; it was a lifeline for many poor people and widows.

Community Impact

  • When she passed away, her deeds were so impactful that the whole community mourned, and people displayed the garments she had made.

A Symbol of Faith

  • Dorcas was such an epitome of Christian values that Peter was called to resurrect her, making her a testament to the power of faith.

Weaknesses and Mistakes

  • Limited Information: We don’t know of any particular weaknesses or mistakes attributed to Dorcas in the biblical text. She seems pretty awesome.

Lessons from Her Life

  • Charity Matters: Even small acts of kindness can have a ripple effect in the community.
  • Use Your Skills for Good: Whatever talent you have, you can use it for the betterment of others.
  • Living a Meaningful Life: Dorcas wasn’t famous or rich, but she lived a life so impactful that her community couldn’t imagine life without her.

Key Verses (NIV Version)

  • Acts 9:36: “In Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (in Greek her name is Dorcas); she was always doing good and helping the poor.”
  • Acts 9:39-40: “Peter went with them, and when he arrived he was taken upstairs to the room. All the widows stood around him, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still with them…Peter sent them all out of the room; then he got down on his knees and prayed. Turning toward the dead woman, he said, ‘Tabitha, get up.’ She opened her eyes, and seeing Peter she sat up.”