Day 360: Living as Children of God

1 John 3:1-24

The Apostle John emphasizes God’s love for us as seen in Christ, urging us to love one another and obey God’s commands.

  • Children of God:
    • John opens by marveling at the love the Father has lavished on believers, allowing them to be called children of God.
    • This identity as God’s children is real, though the world does not recognize them because it did not recognize Jesus.
  • Hope in Christ’s Return:
    • Believers have the hope that when Christ appears, they will be like Him because they will see Him as He is.
    • This hope motivates them to purify themselves, just as Christ is pure.
  • Sin and Righteousness:
    • John clarifies that committing sin is lawlessness, and since Jesus appeared to take away sins, those who live in Him do not continue to sin.
    • Whoever does what is right is righteous, just as Jesus is righteous.
  • Love and Hate:
    • The passage contrasts love and hate: not loving one’s brother is akin to the way Cain, who belonged to the evil one, killed his brother.
    • True love is demonstrated by Jesus’ example, who laid down His life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
  • Practical Love:
    • John emphasizes practical expressions of love: if we have material possessions and see a brother or sister in need but have no pity on them, how can the love of God be in us?
    • Love should not be merely words or speech but shown through actions and in truth.
  • Confidence Before God:
    • This true, action-oriented love gives believers confidence before God because their hearts do not condemn them, and they receive from God whatever they ask because they obey His commands and do what pleases Him.
    • God’s command is to believe in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, and to love one another as He commanded.
  • Living by the Spirit:
    • The passage concludes by discussing the role of the Spirit: those who obey God’s commandments live in Him, and He in them, and this is confirmed by the Spirit He gave us.