Day 344: An Exhortation to Proper Living

*2 Thessalonians 3:1-18

Paul asks for prayer, addresses idleness within the church, and instructs believers to live righteously.

  • Request for Prayer:
    • Paul asks the Thessalonians to pray for the spread of the gospel and for protection from evil people who oppose it.
    • He expresses confidence in the Lord’s faithfulness to strengthen and protect them from harm.
  • Warning Against Idleness:
    • Paul reminds the Thessalonians of his own example of hard work and refusal to be a burden on them while preaching the gospel.
    • He instructs them to follow his example by working diligently to support themselves and not relying on others for their basic needs.
    • Paul warns against idleness, noting that those who refuse to work should not be provided for by the church community.
  • Exhortation to Perseverance:
    • Paul encourages the Thessalonians not to grow weary in doing what is right.
    • He admonishes them to take note of anyone who does not obey his instructions in this letter and to have no association with them, so they may be ashamed and repent.
  • Final Greetings and Benediction:
    • Paul concludes with a final greeting in his own handwriting, authenticating the letter as his.
    • He prays for the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ to be with them all.