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Easy-to-read overview of the Bible
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Days 31-60
Days 31-60
Day 31: The Birth of Moses
January 31
Day 32: Moses Escapes to Midian
February 1
Day 33: Moses and the Burning Bush
February 2
Day 34: Signs of the Lord’s Power
February 3
Day 35: Moses and Aaron Speak to Pharoah
February 4
Day 36: Promises of Deliverance
February 5
Day 37: Aaron’s Staff Becomes a Serpent
February 6
Day 38: Plagues Strike Egypt
February 7
Day 39: The Plagues Intensify
February 8
Day 40: Death for Egypt’s Firstborn
February 9
Day 41: Crossing the Sea
February 10
Day 42: Complaining in the Wilderness
February 11
Day 43: Manna and Quail from Heaven
February 12
Day 44: Jethro’s Visit to Moses
February 13
Day 45: The Lord Reveals Himself at Sinai
February 14
Day 46: The Ten Commandments
February 15
Day 47: The Gold Calf
February 16
Day 48: The Tabernacle Completed
February 17
Day 49: Miriam and Aaron Oppose Moses
February 18
Day 50: Twelve Scouts Explore Canaan
February 19
Day 51: The People Rebel
February 20
Day 52: The Bronze Snake
February 21
Day 53: Balak Sends for Balaam
February 22
Day 54: Moses Reviews the Covenant
February 23
Day 55: A Call to Return to the Lord
February 24
Day 56: Joshua Becomes Israel’s Leader
February 25
Day 57: The Death of Moses
February 26
Day 58: The Lord’s Charge to Joshua
February 27
Day 59: Rahab Protects the Spies
February 28
Day 60: Crossing the Jordan
March 1