Bible Study & Reference Books

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Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific and Strategic Prayer
In “Fervent,” Priscilla Shirer offers a no-nonsense approach to dealing with the specific challenges that threaten your faith and well-being. With an enemy dead set on disrupting your life, Shirer guides you in crafting personalized prayer strategies that not only hit where it hurts but also empower you to stand strong. This hands-on action guide, born from Shirer’s expertise in international speaking and ministry, equips you to turn life’s fiercest battles into precise strikes against the enemy, backed by the power of God’s Spirit.

Discerning the Voice of God: How to Recognize When God Speaks – Bible Study Book with Video Access
Join Priscilla Shirer on a journey to deepen your connection with God, making hearing His will, heart, and voice a continuous part of your life. This updated study, featuring insights from Dr. Tony Evans, offers weekly teachings, leader tips, and personal study components. Dive into 40-50 minute video sessions covering topics like obedience, the Holy Spirit, and reflective moments, gaining practical advice for daily Bible study and a richer relationship with God. Embrace the challenge, recognize the Holy Spirit’s voice, and experience the transformative power of listening to God.

Elijah: Faith and Fire – Bible Study Book
Explore the lesser-known tales behind iconic Old Testament heroes, like Moses and David, who faced monumental challenges. In the shadows of their celebrated moments lies a crucial backstory—a journey of development and perseverance. Priscilla Shirer invites believers to grasp the essence of faith by delving into the life of Elijah, the prophet who summoned fire on Mount Carmel. This 7-session exploration unfolds the profound truth that the fiery faith we crave is often forged in the valleys of adversity and patiently waiting on God. With practical features like a leader guide and personal study segments, participants can discover the value of growth, learn to trust in God’s goodness, and find encouragement to persevere through life’s seasons.

Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It’s Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind…
In “Don’t Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table,” Louie Giglio lays out a straightforward guide to tackle the constant onslaught of negative thoughts. Giglio, a bestselling author and pastor, draws from Psalm 23 to provide practical advice on overcoming the Enemy’s attempts to sow fear, worry, and insecurity in your mind. With actionable steps, he empowers readers to cancel destructive lies, live fully in Christ, and find peace amidst life’s challenges. It’s a battle, but with Jesus as the guide, victory is within reach, offering freedom from the war inside your mind.